How do I know when to replace my rubber printing roller?


How do I know when to replace my rubber printing roller?

How do I know when to replace my rubber printing roller?
High pressure or improper adjustment may reduce the life of the rubber roller.

  • How to observe Namely, the rubber roller begins to cause the printed product to be irregular, faded, or of an abnormal size. When these things happen the rubber roller should be replaced.
  • Main cause It comes from improper cleaning of the rubber roller. or using a solvent that is inappropriate for the type of rubber.


Therefore, you should choose a solvent that is safe for that type of rubber. Does not cause swelling or deterioration.



If you need more information or want to order production of rubber rollers

Inquire through channels LINE OA : @PTIRUBBER
Email :  |  Tel : 022577154  |  MB : 0863077319

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