Applications of Rubber Rollers


Applications of Rubber Rollers

Applications of Rubber Rollers

The rubber rollers is the part used in the process. And manufacturing industry Most of the time it is a mechanical application to achieve a consistent and equal pressure in that area.

  • Some types of rubber rollers are used for painting purposes. or ink printing
  • The furniture industry uses rubber rollers in polishing and pressing processes.
  • The plastic industry uses rollers to produce plastic pellets. Coating and film coating
  • The textile industry uses rubber rollers for bleaching, dyeing and shearing.
  • The food industry uses rubber rollers in the food packaging process.
  • The leather industry uses rubber rollers for skinning and preparing leather.
  • The glass manufacturing industry uses rollers for forming.



In addition, there are other common uses such as

  • Printing
  • Steel production
  • Paper production
  • Conveyor roller for belt
  • Roller for coating


No matter what type of use Rubber rollers must have good mechanical properties. and resistant to chemicals that must be exposed in that job This means that rubber rollers must be durable to use. not deteriorate easily and the cladding must be able to attach to the center core


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