Maintenance of rubber rollers How can it be done?


Maintenance of rubber rollers How can it be done?


Maintenance of rubber rollers How can it be done?

Taking care of your rubber rollers is necessary so that they can last longer. Can be divided into 3 phases

  1. Before use
    In cases where ball bearings are required Be careful not to bend or damage it from excessive force. Use the appropriate tools, such as using a bearing sucker instead of a hammer.
  2. Storage
    - Should be stored away from sunlight and high temperatures.
    - Some rollers should not be stored or placed on a flat surface. Some types should be placed vertically with the center of the shaft touching the ground.
    - Deterioration can occur after a long period of time. or improper storage But it may be possible to fix it with a new lathe.
    - If kept on a shelf or flat surface for too long Should be covered with shockproof foam. and rolled back and forth many times
  3. After use
    - Should be covered with brown or black paper.
    - Idle rollers should be rotated from time to time. To prevent oxidation or reaction with ozone.
    - When finished using, it should be cleaned properly.



If you need more information or want to order production of rubber rollers

Inquire through channels LINE OA : @PTIRUBBER
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